Letter from the chair of Governors
Dear all at Newbury Park Primary School,
I am delighted to be writing this letter to you as your new Chair of Governors. I bring to the role 20 years of experience working in education. I am currently a serving Headteacher and have worked in my school for over 5 years.
I have held a variety of roles in this time, working across primary, infant and junior schools in Sussex. Outside of my working role, I am a mum to a 9 year old son.
I will continue to work with the governing body on the excellent work already in place, ensuring the school continues to strive for excellence for all pupils who attend Newbury Park.
I am aiming to come and visit the children, staff and school in the next few weeks. I look forward to meeting and working with you all.
Kindest regards
Nicole Essex
Chair of Governors